Friday, May 25, 2007


This is a reflection of my false multiple inner personalities that all seek to drive themselves out, I type in the back of my mind, this body is merely a puppet being pulled by the strings of my third eye. I ultimately seek poetic creativity and the ability to use large vocabulary as an illusion of inner-intellectual stimulation. I seek to emotionally release myself from the cages of my conservative physical reality that hold me down so tenaciously. I seek to solve my inner conflict that's constantly waging battle, the wolf and the taurus. I hope to connect in a mysterious yet intelligent and emotionally satisfying fashion that certain individuals can relate to. I'm not looking at my keyboard, my muscles memorize keys like guitar strings, my mind speaks faster sometimes. The ink on my shoulder and arm is a twisted lie of who I am. You can't judge me, though I'd like to step into your mind and judge you, entering the life of another human being must be extraordinary from a bird eyes point of view. I create poetry as a reflection of my inner demons beautifully, abstract is the language I use, they consist of explicit drug use, murder, insanity, and whatever makes humanity ugly and depressing. I'm not depressed, I'm fine, things could be better, until then I'll continue my ugly repetition. I lie to myself, and to others, then fall in love. I'm quiet and direct, when intoxicated my ugliness is revealed and I mutate into the bitter, nihilistic, misanthropic yet egotistical, outgoing, arrogant and self-righteous asshole I fear the most. Wolf. Taurus? No, Taurus is merely my zodiac, my real name doesn't matter, I'm just a reflection of the hopeful, ultra-creative yet insanely inane piece of evolved bacteria that overpopulates this dying celestial miracle that dances in circular and almost melodic patterns, from a gods point of view, subjectively. If you can understand what I just said, good for you, here's a fucking medal. I cuss, a fucking lot, for fucking attention, but that's not who I am, so don't judge me in that fashion and lay my very recent past to waste. I lack love, integrity and self-esteem, I want somebody special, but it'll destroy my creativity, motivation and independence, I'll stay alone in the back of my majestic (conceited) subconscience until I can break the barrier of proper social interaction, though I already have, I don't care enough to do it daily. I'm not willing to sacrifice much, I'm too cautious in my footsteps towards the end of my existence, yet I procrastinate excessively, I'm a glutton for anxiety and guilt. I have the ability to make a monumental impact, I wish to be historical, I wish to dent reality, I wish to mindfuck you, I wish to make you perceive everything differently in an insane fashion, I wish to make you think, I wish for you to be you and not me or somebody else, I wish to find myself, my mind is in chaos often, I'm confused with everything, it's all lies, it's all paranoia? No, it's all truth, I don't know what to know, who to ask, until then I'll drown it all with a three digit number that's been liquefied. Everyone has the ability to be amazing, yet most lose the dream in reality, most lose ambition, most stop caring, most find it impossible, most fall and never get up, most drown in depression, I do too, yet in the end I keep my dreams alive with lies, a falsified reality and a twisted desire to be all I can be, the desire to be every piece of what I truly am instead of twisting in a downward-spiral-maelstrom of this perplexing dimension full of deception that I regrettably call reality. I'm selfish, fuck what you need, it's what I need, I'll kill You for My needs since violence is in my biology, and your biology, you can't hide the fact that we're warlike, so quit trying. We will fight, we will love, we will fuck, we will lust, we will fail, we will adapt, we will judge, we will rise, only to fall back into dust, so make yourself noticed Now and not Later, do it right the first time, don't half-ass, and imprint your despised yet beloved signature all over Earth, for eternity, infinity, number eight, 8, horizontally. My mind can go on forever, but I won't, my anxiety is rising and I need rest, you don't know who I am, shit I don't even know who I am... so, stay for awhile. 1.

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